Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

"optimising the mutual value of the relationship between the organisation and customer "

  1. Do customers smile when they hear your name?
  2. Customers don’t care – “what’s in it for me?”
  3. Customers base their perceptions and demands on the sum of their experiences – not just with “you”.
  4. “Have customers” – by definition you have a CRM strategy!
Smiling baby

Are your customers smiling?

CRM Tracks

CRM as a Technology Solution.

CRM is a system(s) for capturing and collecting customer level transactional and behavioural data, to enable more systematic and structured customer interactions.

    • Bottoms up planning. Tactical/ operational, departmental/ functional.
    • Technology – centric.
    • Customer.

CRM as a Business Strategy.

CRM refers to the development and execution of strategies, policies, programs and related technologies with the objective of optimising customer relationships.

    • Top down planning. Corporate strategy.
    • Business – centric.
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